> Why don't many people want to go into Petroleum Engineering?

Why don't many people want to go into Petroleum Engineering?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I've noticed that this major has probably the least amount of people going into then any other engineering major. What about this job draws many people back?

Petroleum engineering is just too greasy.

Jobs are in cities, states, countries that no one wants to live in. Which means it requires relocation. It is not like Mechanical Engineering.

In ME, you can go to any city and find a job in any industry. There could be 10 companies within a 5 mile radius that hire ME's.

In Petroleum Engineer, you have to find a company that hires them, and move to that location. Usually south/mid/western America in low population areas.

It is also more dangerous, which is why the pay is higher.

Petroleum Engineering is mostly Chemical Engineering, and that discipline does not attract a lot of students.

Well ..... Petroleum is likely to run out pretty soon.

Not too reliable a long term career path.

that job market is prone to savage boom/bust cycles

Can ChE do most of PetE stuff ? BSChE can usually find more jobs, and I imagine BSChE with the little extra bit of PetE not covered in ChE would be best of both worlds

I've noticed that this major has probably the least amount of people going into then any other engineering major. What about this job draws many people back?