> 23 going to college for engineering?

23 going to college for engineering?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Your age will not be a problem. Your spelling might be a problem.

You'll be fine. I went to college at 25, graduated at 30 and had no problem finding jobs. Now I am 33, studying for master's and having no problems finding internships. I have few friends who are in their 30s studying in engineering undergraduate program and already scoring internships. You will be ok, go for it. I know a lot of guys who graduated in their 30s and did well for themselves. And look at it this way: in 7 years you could be 30 and not having an engineering degree. What would you do then?

its a technical job, so no problem.

and unless you going for masters, you could graduate within 4 yrs, like on your 27th birthday.

I went to college when I was about 25, and I'm graduating next year.

By the time your out the market should be booming again. If you have the degree you'll find a job. Go for it and good luck to you

I'm going to college in a couple days my major is engineering. I'm 23 years old and its the first time I'm going to college. I'm looking at graduating at 30. Will I have difficulty in this market do to my age.