> My well pump keeps shutting on and off!!?

My well pump keeps shutting on and off!!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Two things you need to check, first make sure the pressure tank is not water logged. There must be an air cushion above the water in the pressure tank. Second, make sure the pressure points are not burnt or pitted. Might need to put a new set in. These are the two main problems I run up against keeping my well working right.

Sometimes it gets hot and makes a loud noise. The pump started shutting on and off this week. The first two times it was for about an hour and today it's been about about 6. Please help!!!

HI sounds like there is a leak in the system.. causing it to lose pressure.

good luck


prolly waterlogged. bleed add more air volume to your tank. same pressure, just less water and more air. bladder tank? bladder died