> My spare is a 16 inch and the rest of my tires are 17 inch will it hurt to run this 16 inch tire on my vehicle for a lon

My spare is a 16 inch and the rest of my tires are 17 inch will it hurt to run this 16 inch tire on my vehicle for a lon

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
16 inch on one side 17 inch on the other side rear axle. will it hurt to run long period of time?

A spare tire that is smaller than the other tires is a temporary tire made for short term use to get you to a repair shop to get the tire fixed or replaced if you drove on it while it was flat. You are not supposed to drive over 45 mph with it. The differential will be overworked as the smaller tire spins faster than the other. Go get a used tire and rim at an auto recycler.

Read the sidewall of the spare tire. It's an emergency tire not intended to be driven on for more than 35-50 miles, just enough to get you to a repair station to get your punctured tire repaired or replaced. The exception to this is on trucks and SUV's with fullsize spares. In these cases, the spare is supposed to be rotated with the other 4.

Don't run on a "Donut", any longer than you have to,they are inferior tires. On the steering axle just long enough to get off the highway in an emergency, on the rear, you can use it until payday if you must, but get it off there as soon as possible, it's just a crappy tire.

Yes, if there is a great difference in the rolling cirumference of the tread . . . . more likely to cause problems on the driven wheels, ie stress on differential, joints, etc.

Key word in your question is "long" period of time. Obviously, there are mini-spares that are considerably smaller than service tires but are adequate for short term use.

No, it's all nonsense, so long as the outside diameter is almost the same (which it should be) then there will be no problem, especially on the rear.

One thing to be aware of though. Is try to avoid different size outside diameter wheels on the FRONT of the car. The front wheels & tyres always need to be exactly the same as each other, for safety and controllability issues. Especially at highway speeds.

YES. Running a different size tire on a drive axle WILL eventually cause excess wear on the differential. Get your flat tire repaired or replaced and put the spare back in the trunk where it belongs.

a spare is to be used for a short time till you get your tire fixed,like less than 50 miles.

Apparently, to write using sentences is not a skill learned at school and this grouping of words is a prime example as to how not to write. What are you doing just grouping words together? If this is the product of 5,000 texts per hour per day per week per month per year, year after year, after year, I suggest you need to stop. Do you not have adults in your family to ask about this? Any mechanics in your city? Is your texting addiction this bad that you prefer to text to invisible strangers?

You'll be going down the street lopsided.

16 inch on one side 17 inch on the other side rear axle. will it hurt to run long period of time?