> Year 9 options and i want to be an engineer?

Year 9 options and i want to be an engineer?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
what should I take?

Engineering requires Science and Mathematics.

As long as you are doing Science and Maths you can take any options you want.

You will need a minimum B in Maths

You will need a minimum B in Science/Double Science.

I've been through this before,, tried becoming a Mechanical Engineer but after a few semester, it became boring and i saw some of the guys ahead of being unemployed made me realized what my future awaits. I decided to shift course and became a Civil Engineer. It was hard and fun at the same time. After graduating, did not had a hard time looking for a job. My advise is to see how demanding the field of engineering you would like to pursue and second is try to imagine yourself doing it for the rest of your life. Computer engineering would be ideal at the moment. Good luck

You obviously already have to do English, Sciences and Maths, so I suggest, for the remaining ones, Design technology and perhaps Geography. Everything else isn't related but you might want to vary your choices by taking something that isn't related to engineering, like history. Economics, if your school has it, can be generally good as well.

[1] Study hard !!

[2] Take all science courses from high school including high level maths.

[3] University engineering admission requirement gradepoint average equivalent to 3.0 out of a possible 4.0. Therefore, get at least 3.5 from all your high school marks.

High Paper Maths with Statistics & Triple Science?

ok if you want to be a software engineer take IT

you definetely need math the highest course if you can

and construction wood work metal work !

what should I take?