> I hooked up my car battery backwards, i replaced the alternator & with a jump start it will start & run for a co

I hooked up my car battery backwards, i replaced the alternator & with a jump start it will start & run for a co

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
what's still wrong & how do I fix it?? please help. its a 2000 ford taurus 3.0 OHM.

You could check the ECU yourself by getting a code reader if you are a DIY'er. But it sounds like you are not. Off to a mechanic you go.

I do not know about that but I heard a while ago that if you hook it up the wrong way around it will course corrosion> I'm not sure if this is true but it is worth considering

There's a chance you could have shorted the ECU (computer) when you hooked the battery up backwards.

Take it to a mechanic.

You see a mechanic. That's a mistake that just CANNOT be made with newer cars.

what's still wrong & how do I fix it?? please help. its a 2000 ford taurus 3.0 OHM.