> How to be like Tony Stark? What to major in?

How to be like Tony Stark? What to major in?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Typically, a person who feels the need to say "I am a genius", isn't.

You would need graduate degrees in physics, math, engineering (electrical, chemical, materials science, mechanical, computer, aerospace), and computer science. You'll also need to grow some sweet facial hair.

You can get a masters and Ph.D in an engineering field with hard work by age 25. You can't get 2 masters degrees and a Ph.D that quickly, 2 masters degrees would be 20 courses worth of work with virtually no overlap, that's 5 back-breaking semesters right there (4 classes per semester in grad school is a lot of work, being a genius doesn't decrease the volume of what you have to do). Also, you're going to have to take additional undergraduate classes to get admission into a mechanical engineering graduate program. You'll need to take a lot of extra coursework to get admission into a Ph.D program for computer software engineering with no lower degrees on the topic. What you've listed above, even if you can manage the undergraduate in 3 years, would realistically take a total of 10 years or more - and not 10 normal years, 10 years of no friends, no life, eat, class, sleep (if you're lucky), repeat.

You need to goto an acting class learn some acting and try your luck in movies. If you succeed try for a Marvel comics movie. You will be like Tony stark(or Tony stark himself in some sequel)

Since he is fictional you would have to go into acting.

Or writing. His engineering is not real...

I find your question to be to funny to answer. You don't have a clue about the real world.

Hi, we'll I'm going to be a freshman In college and majoring in Electrical engineering. I was planning on taking summer classes and winter classes and finish in 3 years. I know I can do this since I am ambitious and very genius. Then I was planning on getting a double masters in mechanical engineering and computer software engineering. And then a P.H.D in computer software engineering. I know I can do this by 25, but what other degrees do I need?