> I have a car battery that needs charging Its a sealed unit is this a gel battery or not, there's no where on the bat

I have a car battery that needs charging Its a sealed unit is this a gel battery or not, there's no where on the bat

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The optimum battery has cylindrical cells. Most people think they're gel batteries. They're not. They're absorbed glass mat (AGM). You can charge an AGM battery with a traditional battery charger and it will charge, but it'll dramatically decrease the life of the battery. AGM batteries require a charger with an AGM protocol.

But many newer battery charges are capable of charging standard, gel, and AGM. Read this post on battery charges that can do that.


All gel batteries I have seen have obvious cylinders (6 usually) in their design. They also cost quite a bit more and are rare to see in a vehicle. Most average batteries are sealed.

Regardless, if it needs to be charged, use a trickle charge and bring it back to full. This is the best course for any kind of battery.

Could be lead acid, could be gel could be glass mat, all will charge the same as the cars charge them all the same, the type makes no difference.


If it is a Maintenance free one then yes

Andy C

can you see individual cells in the shape of the case, does it say optima, if not, dont worry, just trickle charge it