> Could someone potentially build an Iron Man suit in the next 50 years?

Could someone potentially build an Iron Man suit in the next 50 years?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
i would say yes!! just look at EMOTIV INSIGHT EEG(link down below) and people have already made plasma jets all they need to do is make them smaller and more effective.

and if graphene holds up to what everyone says about it power shouldn't be a problem with graphene super capacitors


Right now no definitely not- the control and the power systems are not available.

20 years time? The control systems sho0uld be available as we are not a long way off now. However with current technology progression for power systems it is unlikely that a power source would be available.

50 years time? The control systems would be available to a hobbyist, and though it would need a breakthrough in something like fusion reactors to get the power, it is not impossible that someone may just have an inspirational moment or accidentally stumble across a solution that gives us the power systems.

As for the armour then we are not a collosal distance off that already, and the same goes for the engines.

I think the way technology is advancing yes it could be possible maybe not with the pulses but a flying suit is defiantly possible. As we already have jetpacks

The main challenge is designing powerpack in compact way! It is very difficult & chances are very low.

Okay let's forget about Jarvis and the helmet which contains a face plate which examines everything, but apart from that, could someone build an Iron Man suit that has the ability to fly and make pulses out of their arm etc etc??