> Can battery acid (or corrosion) kill you?

Can battery acid (or corrosion) kill you?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It won't kill you. The white powder (if alkaline battery) is potassium carbonate they put that in dish soap, Unless you eat the battery or don't clean it up or don't wash your hands. (you didn't eat it, you washed your hands and you cleaned the surfaces). You'll be fine.

If it's a zinc or long-life battery, there's a little more concern with this one if you touch it but they do put it in some mouth wash in tiny amounts sooooo.... but just remember that you didn't eat it and you've washed everything so you should be fine.

No, touching it will not kill you. If you touched battery acid for long enough, it might give you a chemical burn but you'd feel it long before it did any real damage. The corrosion you touched MAY have been caused by battery acid but it is not actually battery acid itself. As long as you washed your hands, you'll be fine.

Lead- acid batteries are considered hazardous waste and, in most countries, must be disposed by a proper method, not put in the normal rubbish.

The acid is okay, but that fuzzy stuff is not acid but instead is the lead sulfate corrosion of battery acid acting on the lead terminals of the battery. There is still a bit of acid in it, enough to burn holes in cotton clothes in a day or so, but the lead sulfate corrosion is the major health concern. If ingested it will cause lead poisoning. From your description of the precautions you took I don't see a problem.

You asked in the car section about battery corrosion.

Then you picked an answer about another type of battery.

I think the other answers are more correct. and they include data about the section you are asking.

The acid the mess, the visible crusty byproduct ? all of it, you need a base to counteract it, like baking soda if you had it anywhere it would start itching and getting it wet would activate it.

Wash or wipe with baking soda and treat spots on clothing.

wash normally is what I was trained to do.

No, you washed your hands with soap, it will not do you any harm. Don't worry. You would have to drink/eat the acid fluid to die or have serious problems.

It may not kill you, but it is extremely dangerous.

or a certain quantity?

today i saw my old baterries had this white powdery stuff, like salt, on them, i googled it and it is battery acid, so i threw it away, however i did touch a little of it but i did wash my hand multiple times and cleaned my laptop a little.

why my laptop, i can't remember if i touched any keys or the mouspad with the hand i used to touch the old batteries.

will a really small quantity of battery acid/corrosion kill you or cause sickness? i know i'm worrying too much, and i dout a small quantity would harm me, but can it?