> A car moving 40 kph and crash into a car. Most specific prt would be the frt bumper is the dmge.I like to know what poss

A car moving 40 kph and crash into a car. Most specific prt would be the frt bumper is the dmge.I like to know what poss

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
40k crash, heck you could be looking at a bent frame, and cost to repair that could be HUGE.

That impact is enough that the force is transferred through the bumper mounts to the actual body of the car and bend things there. This puts the wheel alignment out etc, and fixing it is a real mission. (Chassis straghtening rigs etc)



thank you for the answer but i like to know what are the possible internal damage every of it. I mean what would be the parts to be change and parts to be straighten, align and reform. :D

on a modern car they have built in crumple zones ..they are designed to fold up on impact ..at 40km its not just the bumper ...grill ..lights ..bonnet .front chassis members ..rad ...air bags ..in uk it probably be an insurance write off