> What wrong when the oil pressure gauge drop to 0 and a ticking sound like a sewing machine comes from the motor.?

What wrong when the oil pressure gauge drop to 0 and a ticking sound like a sewing machine comes from the motor.?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
2001 mercury grand marquis 200,000+ miles

It means it's about to blow up. Where in your driver ed. did it tell you to keep running an engine with zero psi on your oil gauge?

all the oil leaked out . the oil pump is shot , an oil line is clogged , the oil filter is clogged . do NOT run engine with 0 PSI oil pressure .

add oil to car. oil pump possibly failing. Will fry motor fast.

Check the oil dipstick. What does it show? I think the trolls are having their way with us!

What wrong? Is effed up. Did you check the oil? It's now a big paperweight.

Maybe checking the dipstick would be a good place to start.

Probably low oil.

2001 mercury grand marquis 200,000+ miles