> Is my mechanic responsible for the damage to my car at his shop?

Is my mechanic responsible for the damage to my car at his shop?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 

If the damage happened whilst in his possession then yes. The problem is that you have to prove it.

So sue him, If it has not been in an accident since you bought it then you would have been having the same problem when you opened and closed the door

Andy C

Is the trans fixed. If yes thank him and take your car home. Things happen. If you pursue this you will never be invited back there. Finding people that can actually fix cars is a costly chore in itself.


Your mechanic is responsible to take care of your car while in his care. If it is damage it is down to him to sort out if necessary using his insurance cover.

So I bring my car in to my mechanic to get my transmission fixed. I get my car back and he tells me about the chipped paint on my door between the fender and door. It was never there when I brought it over there. He then tells me that since my door wasn't aligned properly it hit the inside of the fender. But I have had the car for months and probably have opened that door hundreds of times and never chipped in me. He says he is not responsible for it because it was also an accident too. So now I'm stuck with a big bill to fix it and won't do anything about it. I believe since it didn't happen to me but it did happen to him he should be the one paying for it. So am I in the wrong or is he? Should he be responsible to pay it?