> Do i have to flush radiator if I've been using just water, i'm adding 50/50 engine coolant?

Do i have to flush radiator if I've been using just water, i'm adding 50/50 engine coolant?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Water does not inhibit rust in the engine and radiator like real coolant does. SO you can do what T says and just add some straight BUT if you have any rust buildup that won't flush it out. Your choice. If the car is relatively new I would flush it. If it is a beater I would just add coolant.

No need to flush. Water works well in hot countries where it never snows. Coolant is used in cold countries because when the temperature goes down, the coolant does not freeze preventing damages to your engine/radiator. Everything is business. Water is cheaper but experts would recommend coolant. If you live in a cold area where it snows, dare not use water.

You blew it already! Now you have rust in the radiator and heater core and a water pump with a seal that's not been lubricated. You always must run antifreeze year round. Nothing like ruining a car because you were too cheap or lazy to use $15 to protect your motor!

Driving a car with only water in the rad is risky, because water will boil off at lower temperatures than a proper rad coolant will. So, if you only use water, your car will overheat sooner.

Use a proper rad coolant, and a 50/50 mix with it.

Flushing it will take you and hour and is good insurance considering there was no coolant in there to prevent rust. Refill with the specified mix.

drain radiator and add about half gallon straight antifreeze then 50/50. remember there is still water in your engine block. empty the overflow and fill that with straight as well its better if it is a little stronger than weaker after you run it for a while use a hydrometer to tell if it is strong or weak enough. every time I have done it 12 years as an autotech its what I did and no problems and I live in northern NY about 50-60miles from Canada "you need to remember that antifreeze also contains lubricant for water pump, anticorrosion inhibitors as well as keeps it from freezing when temp goes below freezing/ it also keeps the engine cooler in hot temperatures as well " read the label

No. You need to have the entire cooling system drained, flushed and CLEANED to get the corrosion rust and slime out.

Angel C is a non-mechanic! a 50/50 mixture of factory recommended antifreeze and distilled water prevents corrosion, rust and serves as a water-pump lubricant. Even though race cars use only water in their cooling system, your motor is not dissembled and overhauled every week.

Thank you for answering my question. I live in Flagstaff, Arizona and it's about the time when it starts to snow. I've been using water as engine coolant for the last month and a half since I've only been using the car to go a few miles for work.

I am buying Engine Coolant now to prepare for the winter and i was wondering if i have to take my car to get the radiator "flushed" since i have not used any other coolant just water. Thank you.

Also, do i just simply empty the water in the little coolant tank and add the coolant?

Thank you