> What is the right way to pump gas?

What is the right way to pump gas?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Do you pull into the gas station with the pump on the correct side or do you pull in the wrong direction and carry the pump over/around your car?

Whichever makes you happy.

Dragging the hose across the car is both silly and a bit dangerous - it is likely to scratch the car and may pull out of the tank and put gas on the ground.

90% of all cars have a small triangle near the gas gauge which points to the side with the filler and you can always back into a space if cars keep blocking dual pump lines, but the hose should, as much as possible, go from the pump to down near the ground and back up to the tank by the shortest path.

Whichever is the safest to do so. If traffic markings permit position your gas tank filler neck next to the pump.

There is no hard and fast rule and since fillers can be placed on either side of a given vehicle it is up to the driver to evaluate the best way to fill up.

Some stations have one way traffic flow while others have two way. Detroit doesn't make cars with filler necks on the same side.

The most proper way is to pull your car in so the filler is next to the pump.. many stations are now making the hoses shorter to discourage pulling the hose over your trunk to reach the filler.> some time you may not have a choice due to the pumps location and other cars using the pumps, but the right way is to pump next to the filler.

The one that doesn't make you look like an idiot.

make your wife do it

Do you pull into the gas station with the pump on the correct side or do you pull in the wrong direction and carry the pump over/around your car?