> How to factor x^2+8>0?

How to factor x^2+8>0?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
use: (a^2 + b^2) = (a + j*b)*(a - j*b)

X^2 + 8 > 0

[x + j*sqrt(8)]*[x - j*sqrt(8)] > 0

It is factored as it is, for all finite numbers where x^2 > 0.

To find roots of this equation, graph the equation as in this link:

http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=fac... x^2+8 0 complex&lk=2

Since this new Yahoo really sucks, I can't get the links to make any sense...So open up www.wolframalpha.com, and type in the following line to the computational engine,minus the brackets:

[factor x^2 8>0 complex]

x^2> -8

x > -2 root 2 i

It is not clear what you are asking. You don't factor an equation or inequality. You can solve by factoring functions, but we are not supposed to have to guess at what you mean.