> How do you think I might make this invention work?

How do you think I might make this invention work?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
not possible without a lot of money and research. Certainly nothing you can do.

Liquid nitrogen use is very dangerous and expensive.

Why would anyone want to freeze something extremely fast? I mean for example if I had a warm soda and I wanted it cool fast I would just add ice..but if you really want to research how you can study some thermodynamics.

This device has been invent and existed in market. Read this parts.....


No, just wire the microwave backwards.

(and then explain why it wouldn't work)

So, I'm doing this project for school where we invent something that could fix something annoying that people experience a lot. I'm making the opposite of a microwave: a device that freezes/chills things much faster than a refrigerator or freezer. So, just like a microwave, you put whatever you need to chill or freeze in the device and press in how long you need it in there, depending on how cold you want it. I asked my dad this question, and he mentioned something about liquid nitrogen. So, do you have any ideas? If so, what are they? Do you agree about the liquid nitrogen? Thanks a lot! :)