> Are there any alternatives to measuring time?

Are there any alternatives to measuring time?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Nope - With the interrelation of 60 minutes - 60 seconds and 60 degrees - 60 minutes -60 seconds and what it means for navigation, changing it out would be really messy.

The one variation I have heard of was done for adding confusion to road rally speed calculations - times were given in millids (millidays - thousandths of a day) and decids (decidays tenths of a day) and centims (hundredths of a millid) which if you work it out gives a useful function. As I recall the rally gave measurements in yards to add to the "fun" and mess with the people who had purchased rally computers.

Since there are 86,400 seconds in a day, a decid was 8640 seconds (vs 3600 in an hour) and a millid was 86.4 seconds (vs 60 in a minute) and a centim was 0.864 (vs 1 in a second)

So what should your car speedometer read to drive 36 yards per centim?

There's a very good reason why there's more uniformity in time units than in length or mass units. Many cultures initiated measuring systems for length, mass (or weight), and time, but all cultures were living in a world where the year and the day were the same for all cultures. Without reference to religion, there's a certain logic in a 13-month lunar calendar such as the Mayan calendar, but the Greek/Roman predilection for "nice" even numbers prevailed, and their dominance in the hours/minutes/seconds thing is obvious. Chinese calendar also uses 12 months per year, but sticks in an extra month from time to time to compensate for the lag.

Standard lengths and weights are arbitrary, until you get to astronomical dimensions; so it makes sense that different systems could compete for a while. The metric system was implemented by the leaders of the French Revolution, and there's an obvious computational advantage to having everything cut up in powers of ten, but they couldn't redo all of time in that way, though they did try ten-day weeks and ten-hour days...but, it didn't "catch on" !

Just make-up your own unit if you want something different its just that it will have to correlate to second/minutes, hours in some way or it will be unusable. For example your units ( 1 Brad) could be say half or twice that of a standard seconds.

Well the Romans used marked candles.

Just wondering because for weight you can use either pounds or kilograms, for distance miles or kilometers feet and inches or centimetres and milimeters so is there any alternative to hours, days,months and so on because everywhere seams to use the same measurements for time(i think some muslim countries use a different month system but i mean a non religious one if its possible.